Welcome to Headstrong: a place to share my 20-year-old life with post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Here you'll find my stories, life hacks, and answers to (most) of your burning questions.

Welcome to Headstrong: a place to share my 20-year-old life with post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Here you'll find my stories, life hacks, and answers to (most) of your burning questions.
Although there is currently no cure for post-concussion syndrome (PCS), treatments like vestibular therapy can help eliminate aspects of PCS.
As of now, there is no cure for CTE and no treatments will help to eliminate CTE; however, there are treatments for such symptoms of CTE as depression or suicidal thoughts or certain cognitive issues like trouble focusing.
There are also proven ways to maintain brain health and fend of brain diseases like CTE. These include:
Regular aerobic exercise
Mediterranean diet (nuts, legumes, fruits and vegetables, olives and olive oil, fish high in omega 3, very little red meat)
The prevention/treatment of problems typically thought of as heart-related:
treating or preventing diabetes
maintaining healthy cholesterol levels
Remaining social engaged and active within social networks
Maintaining intellectual stimulation (especially continuing to learn new things)
Taking up new hobby or rekindling an old one
Doing projects that involve different types of skills and thinking
Although there is no cure yet, incredibly fast-paced research is being done with papers and studies being published all the time. Diagnostics, treatments, and cures are all being worked on currently, and progress is being made.